Your meditation:
A breakdown of each step of the meditation:
With these 5 steps you're going to come away from this meditation feeling positive, not only about yourself but your life and those around you. You'll feel a deep sense of compassion and love. You will feel grateful for taking the time to practice and a huge sense of relief from letting go of negative energy within your life.
- Mindfulness: We start the meditation by taking a few moments to bring ourselves to the here and now via the breath, sensations we feel and become present in our own body.
- Loving kindness: We move into a meta meditation, taking the time to practice compassion with the hope that loving kindness becomes second nature in every day life.
- Gratitude: While feeling a sense of peace after a Meta meditation we move into gratuities. These will have various focus points, but essentially we practice gratitudes to train our brain to focus on the wonderful and happy things in our life rather than the negative (which is our nature. The brain has developed to focus on the negative over thousands of years as a way to protect us).
- Forgiveness: When we hold onto resentment and anger we shift our energy to a more negative state. We attract more of the energy that we give, so with this in mind, we use the practice of forgiveness to those that have caused us to feel anger and resentment. This enables us to feel lighter and shift our own energy to a more positive state.
- Creating your future: Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool when creating the life you want. It once again aligns our energy to bring what we'd like to achieve into existence. By focusing on our ambitions and our perfect day we're able to bring ourselves one step closer to achieving it.
With these 5 steps you're going to come away from this meditation feeling positive, not only about yourself but your life and those around you. You'll feel a deep sense of compassion and love. You will feel grateful for taking the time to practice and a huge sense of relief from letting go of negative energy within your life.