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Find a selection of Class Replays and short little focused sessions to substitute your practice at a time that suits you best.
Keep chilled with this one, after some warming sun salutations, enjoy some upper body stretches that'll leave you feeling more open, looser and relaxed. 40 min class replay.
A week-one replay with rotations, side bends and a touch of hamstrings. Not long hold stretches, but pretty chilled vibes. 40 minutes.
It's a cheeky one, but oooooh so good. Nothing get's too overloaded, with a lovely mix of upper and lower body poses. Challenge yourself with some sneaky balance and enjoy the moments of calm between each round. Suitable for most, but certainly more on the challenging front. 40 minute, class replay
Hips and Hamstrings, enjoy 3 minute holds and no sun salutations. Get straight down to the floor with this 40 minute class replay. Suitable for all. Please use props such as bolsters, cushions, blocks and straps as needed. Get comfy!
A 40 minute Class replay. An upright kinda practice, work into your forward folds to prep the hamstrings as we build to Bird of Paradise, alongside some much needed chest openers. Progressions for most abilities. You wont regret it.
Prep the hips and the side of the body ready to get the best Triangle pose of your life. A seriously underrated pose that's difficult to perfect. Every single triangle pose looks different, so comparison is pointless. I hope you learn and find ways to deepen you Triangle pose with this 40 minute class replay. The 7:15am class smashed this one, with incredible progress from start to finish.
Week one vibes, mainly seated poses. If you like to use a block or cushion for your forward folds, have one to hand for this one. Suitable for all.
Shoulders for daaaaaays! Smash out this awesome Transition focus class to practice some Forearm stands as well as increase shoulder strength and get some delicious stretches in too. Enjoy. 40 minutes.
Half moons, warrior 3's and some lovely bow pose options. 40 minutes, enjoy.
Floor based back bends, with some great work for the glutes and hamstrings. Flowing into a building flow including dancing dog, an optional Wheel Pose, the splits and some wonder IT band stretchy bits. 40 mins
A lovely chilled out Monday session, with the focus on moving from one pose into another, changing the focus of the stretch while still remaining pretty chilled and in a similar position. Lot's of hip openers, some calf work, and easy adaptions for hips and wrist injuries/issues. 40 minutes. Enjoy.
Working into poses that will help your Lotus pose. Lot's of external rotation of the hips (great for glutes), some lovely forward folds, and some cheeky abs. You'll love it, week one vibes with loads of learning.
There is a lot to be said for building strength in our legs and arms, we don't always just need the extra mobility, sometimes we need the strength to get there, to keep our joints in place/safe and to reduce the risk of injury. We also need it to hold one awesome Warrior 1 and balance in a cheeky Warrior 3. Give this class a go to challenge yourself, 40 minute class reply (gallery view not available).
A week 3 replay from Warrior and Worriers month. A great session, from a live studio class. 40 minutes, enjoy.
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It's leg day in Yoga! This 40 minutes class replay will have you building strength in your quads hamstrings and butt, all in preparation for those cheeky warrior poses. Enjoy.
40 minute class replay, with a strength and stretch vibe. The focus is preparing you for strong Warrior poses later in the month.
40 minute class replay covering wonderful seated stretches to get ourselves ready for a great Warrior 2 pose. Enjoy
A 30 Minute Ashtanga series recording. Perfect if you can't make Tuesday or Saturday morning's live or want to try an Ashtanga class behind closed doors before logging on or hitting the Studio.
A 4 minutes Morning sequence. Perfect to follow before you even roll out of bed and to get you moving in a very gentle way.
Sun Salutation A (the short one) not sure of the sequence, why not check it out here, so when you head to class you feel more confident with what the sequence. 90 second video, but once it's over I recommend following with another 6-10 rounds as a lovely way to get moving.
Sun Salutation 2. This Sun Salutation, or a variation of it comes up every couple of months in Fitness Yoga, this video is another way to learn to sequence so you feel more confident in class. Again, it's a short video to help you learn, but I recommend following with another 6-10 rounds after the video has finished. Video length: 2:30.
Ps. This is the sequence we do whenever we complete 108 Sun Salutations.
Ps. This is the sequence we do whenever we complete 108 Sun Salutations.
Baby Grasshopper Class Replay: It's the class the breaks down Baby Grasshopper Pose and helps you make progress to the full pose. Great for most abilities. Those of you have have Baby grasshopper, it's just a fun class working through rotations and hips.
40 minutes class time.
40 minutes class time.
Get moving: A great 9 minute session to get everything moving. Perfect for before a workout, or if you're short on time in the morning.
30 minute Lunchtime class replay. Perfect to fit into a lunch break, to get moving and get your heart rate up a little bit.
40 Minute class replay working all things bootie. Expect a burn and work on that strength. Great for those that run or want to increase their power or leg and glute strength.
It might not be sexy, but we all need it. Take the time to work on the wrists and ankles in this 9 minute focused video. If you need to work on strength or mobility at either the wrists or ankles, this is a perfect class. If you run or have impact in your workouts, this one is a must. Massage and beauty therapists, get to this replay regularly.
A 48 Minute class replay. Including rotations, Cow Face variations, Hamstrings and quads. All floor based, all for long holds, so plenty of time to relax and enjoy.
All the Warriors. A 40 minute class replay that'll leave you feeling strong, empowered and like you've nailed your Warrior technique.
Let's take it to full Grasshopper. Don't panic, we cover baby Grasshopper too. This is a 40 minute class replay.
You'll feel awesome after this 40 minute class replay. An accumulator working on lower body strength and developing those press ups.
Chilled out yoga. A 40 minute class replay. All floor poses, all long hold stretches. Enjoy and relax.